JULY 22, 2023
I am always striving to understand how to build backend APIs with all the necessary features for production. However, I often get stuck at the CI/CD step because I want everything to be perfect. I recognize that I need more practice in areas such as testing, scaling systems, understanding security, logging, implementing central logging, and real-time logs. There may be other areas that I am not even aware of yet, but I hope to plan for them through this post.
Project Overview: Build APIs Node.js from Zero to Production
Let's add some tools and technologies, specifically for a Node. js-based API project, to the roadmap for each step: Assume that we already have a sample project: https://github.com/hagopj13/node-express-boilerplate So we try to plan and deploy it to production
Project Planning:
API Design:
Database Design and Setup:
API Development:
Docker for containerization and easy deployment.
Kubernetes or Docker Swarm for container orchestration.
Free SSL use Nginx and Certbot
Deploy node-express-boilerplate by docker swarm (1 host)
How to deploy node-express-boilerplate by docker swarm(3 hosts)
AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Heroku, or VPS for hosting the API.
Monitoring and Logging:
Scalability and Load Testing:
Security Auditing:
Versioning and API Lifecycle:
Documentation and User Support:
Release to Production:
CI/CD with GitHub Actions:
directory in the root of the project.ci-cd.yml
.For detailed steps, please refer to the GitHub Actions documentation.
Demo: https://github.com/AnhtuanUit/api-magnews24h/blob/develop/.github/workflows/cd.yml
Infrastructure as Code (IaC):
Supported Cloud Providers: Terraform is cloud agnostic and supports multiple cloud providers, including AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and more. It can also manage other infrastructure components like on-premises servers and third-party services.
Declarative Syntax: Terraform uses a declarative language for defining infrastructure as code. You describe the desired state of the infrastructure, and Terraform figures out the changes needed to achieve that state.
Resource Graph: Terraform builds a dependency graph of resources, enabling it to plan and execute changes in the correct order.
Community Modules: Terraform has a rich ecosystem of community-contributed modules, making it easy to reuse and share infrastructure configurations.
State Management: Terraform maintains a state file that keeps track of the deployed infrastructure, which helps in tracking changes and managing resources efficiently.
Terraform deploy Node.js Project with Docker Swarm on Vultr Hosting Server